Invitation from Alex Fradera, Will Steele (Open Heart Theatre) and Owen Scrivens.
We’ve been running Let Us Make It Up To You every month since February, and we’re so excited about the night and the enthusiasm people are bringing to it. It exists to serve some wider objectives: to showcase improvisation in its varied forms, provide a stage for local improvisation acts, and – connect Newcastle with the wider improvisation scene.With that in mind, we have been recently discussing with Alphabetti Theatre how to grow the night, the scene, and further these objectives as our spring season comes to an end.
Something we would love to see is a more balanced gender mix in the scene and on our stages – and we know that this is also something that venues are seeking. To that end, we are enquiring if there would be interest within the improvisation community, new and established, in looking to form all-women or predominantly women improvisation groups. If this was the case, the hosts of LUMIUTY would be happy to support such a group, in any ways that group felt appropriate, for example coaching, concept support, etc.
To kick-start this process, we are offering a space for women improvisers to gather, play together, and talk about things they would be enthusiastic to make happen. Some of us will be there to hold the space and give some structure to the meetup but the space is yours. We will be hosting it at Space Six and cover the costs ourselves.
14th June 6pm-8pm (with a chance to decamp nearby afterwards to continue conversation)
Space Six, Commercial House 39 Pilgrim Street. 6th floor, turn right out the lifts and we will meet in the Hub space and then move into the room (Space 1) at 6pm.
If you are interested by this post but can’t make the event, we’d be happy to hear from you and see what we can do to plug you into things, as whenever improvisation brings in new voices and becomes more diverse, the artform improves. You can always use any of the forms on this site or email us on “mail” at .