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Explore and exploit: workshops from visiting instructors John Agapiou and Alice Sanders on 5th May


Picture of John Agapiou Alice Sanders

We have two very experienced improvisers and coaches travelling up for our Let Us Make It Up To You show on Saturday 5th, and we are offering opportunities to train with them. These are The Dreaming’s John Agapiou and Alice Sanders, and they are going to tackle two complementary aspects of improvisation, explore and exploit.

John’s workshop will help us explore, to discover fun and unusual things by following your inspiration. Alice will look at how to exploit: how to make the most of a fun idea by playing ‘the game of the scene’.

You can take either one, or you can book both together for £30 – that’s right, we do discounts here! To obtain a place, complete the form below and let us know in the subject/ text which you are interested in: the Agapiou, Sanders, or both of the workshops.


Following your Inspiration

May 5
Teacher: John Agapiou
Time: 12:00-2:30pm
Price: £17
Maximum participants: 12
The lifeblood of improv is enthusiasm. So let’s take every chance we have to chase what’s personally fun! In this workshop we will put our personalities on the stage, trusting our idiosyncratic angle on things, and learning to recognise the moments of inspiration – in ourselves as well as our teammates. We’ll explore how to convert these inspirations into scenes and creative edits, and how to turn uninspired times into a breeding ground for fun again.

Picture of John Agapiou John started improv training at ImprovBoston (USA) with Artistic Director Will Luera and other founding members of Big Bang. There he learned “Free-form” improv: a style of long-form that emphasises group support, playfulness, and “following the fun”. Since returning to London 5 years ago, John has trained with The Free Association, and a ton of teachers from UCB, iO, Second City, and other international schools. John has been improvising for 10 years and coaching weekly for 3 years. You can find him performing with C3?, and with faux-avant-garde art collective The Dreaming.

You got Game!

May 5
Teacher: Alice Sanders
Time: 2:30-5pm
Price: £17
Maximum participants: 12

An introduction to playing ‘the game of the scene.’ Learn how to tap into the thing that makes your scene funny and play it for all of the laughs. Hone your skills so you can pounce on the funny thing and make the most of it using different techniques including heightening and straight-manning.

Alice Sanders Alice Sanders is a writer and improviser from London. She trained in long-form improv at Monkey Toast in London and has since learnt with various schools and teachers including The Free Association and UCB. She plays with The Dreaming, The Pioneers, and all female drag team The Bareback Kings. She writes serious and funny stuff for various publications including Vice, Broadly, McSweeneys and The Hairpin.