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Impro game workshop for young people

19th May Impro game workshop for young people

Have you ever seen someone on stage and thought ‘I wish I could do that?’ Have you ever been in a social situation and been interested in understanding ‘what just happened there?!’ At Open Heart Theatre, we have a combined twenty years of experience with both of these things!

We are a company of improvisers which for us means we make up things that make us laugh without a script in front of an audience! This can sound scary, but it can come amazingly naturally. Part of being able to improvise well is understanding how you react under pressure and what you can do to make those reactions the ones you want and need.

This workshop will be focused on fun games which let us see what happens when we feel ‘on the spot’ and how we can react in ways that are more productive, and feel relaxed while doing it. There’ll be a lot of laughs and you might even learn something about yourself.

This workshop runs 5pm – 6:30pm on the 19th May at Space Six as part of their “Twilight Shows” events, and is aimed at people aged 12-17.

Participation is totally free but please email us at to confirm a place.

Space Six is found at Floor Six, 39 Pilgrim St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6QE.