[NB David is also performing with us on 23rd at Prohibition. Details here!]
Open Heart Theatre are excited to welcome international improviser David Escobedo to come and teach an improv masterclass in August. You can book a place here: Brown Paper Tickets link.
We are offering one bursary for this workshop to allow someone who would otherwise find it difficult to participate to do so. The bursary allows attendance in full for free. To apply, write to us at mail@openhearttheatre.com with the header “Bursary Scheme.” Briefly outline why you would like to attend – a paragraph is more than enough, and you don’t need to explain your financial circumstances. Deadline to apply has been extended to the 14th August and we will let applicants know if they have been selected by the 16th August.
COMING IN WITH NOTHING: really means “discovery over invention.” It’s putting the emphasis on reading your partner and working as a team rather than testing the cleverness of an individual.
At first a little daunting to come on stage and have no idea what’s going to happen, but not only does it put us back at the reasons why we started improv in the first place but also allows more creativity. Many times the audience can read when you’re directing the scene, or when you come in with something ” in the chamber.” If you do that, the scenes you do will look the same over time – and you will find a formula to something you once loved.
“Coming in with Nothing” is about observation, listening, and removing your ego so that the show can be something bigger than the flagship of one person’s invention.
This class is good for beginners, but GREAT for people who have been doing it for a while.
DAVID BIO: David Escobedo has been coaching/performing improv since 1995. He has produced well over 20 improv teams ranging from street mimes to Harold teams and has taken classes or worked with people such as Jay Sukow, Paul Vaillancourt, Katy Schutte, Craig Cackowski, Rachel Mason and more.
David started off in learning improv before the internet provided any sort of resource (the World Wide Web came into existence in 1991 and Google didn’t come around until 1998). So most of his training and discovery came by way of “Whose Line Is It Anyways?” and attending workshops.
David ended up getting his BA in Performance and Directing, and also took improv courses at Second City, iO West, and Westside Comedy. Currently pursuing his MA in Drama (Improv) at the University of Chester he hopes to continue to meet great people in England!